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Voluntary Public Service: Providing service to others and the community at large.
Personal Development: Developing personal interests, social etiquette and employment skills.
Physical Fitness: Improving their quality of life through fitness activities.
Expedition/Exploration: Undertaking an outdoor, wilderness or venture experience (Historical, cultural or environmental).


Congressional Award Program Requirements:


  • There are six levels of the Award-Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates and Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals.

  • Each level is cumulative – time spent on one Award is carried with you to the next level.

  • Along with the chronological (hour) requirement, the higher levels of the Award require that activities be spread out over a minimum amount of months. Please note the following:


  1. The month requirement applies to Voluntary Public Service, Personal Development, and Physical Fitness.

  2. Months do not need to be consecutive.

  3. Months are cumulative.

  4. Months may only be counted once in the same activity area.

Congressional Award

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